
The sbt-site plugin has direct support for running Jekyll. This is useful for supporting custom Jekyll plugins that are not allowed when publishing to GitHub, or hosting a Jekyll site on your own server. To add Jekyll support, enable the associated plugin:

The Jekyll integration is not (yet) included in this version of sbt-site.


This assumes you have a Jekyll project in the src/jekyll directory. To change this, set the key sourceDirectory in the Jekyll scope:

Jekyll / sourceDirectory := sourceDirectory.value / "hyde"

To redirect the output to a subdirectory of target/site, use the siteSubdirName key in Jekyll scope:

source// Puts output in `target/site/notJekyllButHyde`
Jekyll / siteSubdirName := "notJekyllButHyde"

One common issue with Jekyll is ensuring that everyone uses the same version for generating a website. There is special support for ensuring the version of gems. To do so, add the following to your build.sbt file:

sourcerequiredGems := Map(
  "jekyll" -> "2.5.3",
  "liquid" -> "2.3.0"