


final class IncOptions extends Serializable

Represents all configuration options for the incremental compiler itself and not the underlying Java/Scala compiler.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. IncOptions
  2. Serializable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: File, _classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType, _auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean, _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean, _allowMachinePath: Boolean, _pipelining: Boolean)
  2. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File], _classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], _auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean], _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean, _allowMachinePath: Boolean, _pipelining: Boolean)
  3. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: File, _classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType, _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean, _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean, _allowMachinePath: Boolean, _pipelining: Boolean)
  4. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File], _classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean], _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean, _allowMachinePath: Boolean, _pipelining: Boolean)
  5. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: File, _classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType, _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean, _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean)
  6. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File], _classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean], _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String], _strictMode: Boolean)
  7. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: File, _classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType, _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean, _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String])
  8. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File], _classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean], _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks, _ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String])
  9. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: File, _classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType, _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean, _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks)
  10. new IncOptions(_transitiveStep: Int, _recompileAllFraction: Double, _relationsDebug: Boolean, _apiDebug: Boolean, _apiDiffContextSize: Int, _apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File], _classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], _useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean, _recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean], _useOptimizedSealed: Boolean, _storeApis: Boolean, _enabled: Boolean, _extra: Map[String, String], _logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean, _externalHooks: ExternalHooks)
  11. new IncOptions()

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def allowMachinePath(): Boolean

    When set to true, this makes the mapped file converter strict, so no paths will include machine-specific absolute path.

  5. def apiDebug(): Boolean

    Enable tools for debugging API changes.

  6. def apiDiffContextSize(): Int

    Controls context size (in lines) displayed when diffs are produced for textual API representation.

    Controls context size (in lines) displayed when diffs are produced for textual API representation.

    This option is used only when apiDebug == true.

  7. def apiDumpDirectory(): Optional[File]

    The directory where we dump textual representation of APIs.

    The directory where we dump textual representation of APIs. This method might be called only if apiDebug returns true. This is unused option at the moment as the needed functionality is not implemented yet.

  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. def auxiliaryClassFiles(): Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]

    Associate each class file with corresponding files (eg.

    Associate each class file with corresponding files (eg. .tasty files) that must be managed by the ClassfileManager.

  10. def classfileManagerType(): Optional[ClassFileManagerType]

    ClassfileManager that will handle class file deletion and addition during a single incremental compilation run.

  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  12. def enabled(): Boolean

    Determines whether incremental compilation is enabled.

  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. def equals(obj: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    IncOptions → AnyRef → Any
  15. def externalHooks(): ExternalHooks

    External hooks that allows clients e.g.

    External hooks that allows clients e.g. IDEs to interacts with compilation internals

  16. def extra(): Map[String, String]

    Extra options

  17. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  18. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    IncOptions → AnyRef → Any
  20. def ignoredScalacOptions(): Array[String]

    Array of regexes that will be used to determine if scalac options should be ignored if they change

  21. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  22. def logRecompileOnMacro(): Boolean

    Determines whether to log information on file recompiled due to a transitive macro change

  23. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  25. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. def pipelining(): Boolean

    Enabled when build pipelining is used for this subproject.

    Enabled when build pipelining is used for this subproject. The consumption of early output (pickle JAR) is dependent on the Scala version, so this flag in Zinc effectively means skip Javac invocation.

    Note that contribution to pipelining by exporting early output is signaled by setting an earlyOutput in CompileOptions.

  27. def recompileAllFraction(): Double

    What's the fraction of invalidated source files when we switch to recompiling all files and giving up incremental compilation altogether.

    What's the fraction of invalidated source files when we switch to recompiling all files and giving up incremental compilation altogether. That's useful in cases when probability that we end up recompiling most of source files but in multiple steps is high. Multi-step incremental recompilation is slower than recompiling everything in one step.

  28. def recompileOnMacroDef(): Optional[Boolean]

    Determines whether incremental compiler should recompile all dependencies of a file that contains a macro definition.

  29. def relationsDebug(): Boolean

    Print very detailed information about relations, such as dependencies between source files.

  30. def storeApis(): Boolean

    Determines whether incremental compiler stores apis alongside analysis.

  31. def strictMode(): Boolean

    Enable assertions and other runtime checks that are otherwise disabled.

    Enable assertions and other runtime checks that are otherwise disabled. Can be useful for debugging incremental compilation issues.

  32. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  33. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    IncOptions → AnyRef → Any
  34. def transitiveStep(): Int

    After which step include whole transitive closure of invalidated source files.

  35. def useCustomizedFileManager(): Boolean

    Option to turn on customized file manager that tracks generated class files for transactional rollbacks.

    Option to turn on customized file manager that tracks generated class files for transactional rollbacks. Using customized file manager may conflict with some libraries, this option allows user to decide whether to use.

  36. def useOptimizedSealed(): Boolean

    Determines whether optimized approach for invalidating sealed classes/trait is used.

    Determines whether optimized approach for invalidating sealed classes/trait is used. Turning this on may cause undercompilation in case of macros that are based sealed trait/class children enumeration.

  37. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  38. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  39. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  40. def withAllowMachinePath(allowMachinePath: Boolean): IncOptions
  41. def withApiDebug(apiDebug: Boolean): IncOptions
  42. def withApiDiffContextSize(apiDiffContextSize: Int): IncOptions
  43. def withApiDumpDirectory(apiDumpDirectory: File): IncOptions
  44. def withApiDumpDirectory(apiDumpDirectory: Optional[File]): IncOptions
  45. def withAuxiliaryClassFiles(auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): IncOptions
  46. def withClassfileManagerType(classfileManagerType: ClassFileManagerType): IncOptions
  47. def withClassfileManagerType(classfileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType]): IncOptions
  48. def withEnabled(enabled: Boolean): IncOptions
  49. def withExternalHooks(externalHooks: ExternalHooks): IncOptions
  50. def withExtra(extra: Map[String, String]): IncOptions
  51. def withIgnoredScalacOptions(ignoredScalacOptions: Array[String]): IncOptions
  52. def withLogRecompileOnMacro(logRecompileOnMacro: Boolean): IncOptions
  53. def withPipelining(pipelining: Boolean): IncOptions
  54. def withRecompileAllFraction(recompileAllFraction: Double): IncOptions
  55. def withRecompileOnMacroDef(recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean): IncOptions
  56. def withRecompileOnMacroDef(recompileOnMacroDef: Optional[Boolean]): IncOptions
  57. def withRelationsDebug(relationsDebug: Boolean): IncOptions
  58. def withStoreApis(storeApis: Boolean): IncOptions
  59. def withStrictMode(strictMode: Boolean): IncOptions
  60. def withTransitiveStep(transitiveStep: Int): IncOptions
  61. def withUseCustomizedFileManager(useCustomizedFileManager: Boolean): IncOptions
  62. def withUseOptimizedSealed(useOptimizedSealed: Boolean): IncOptions

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
