Play 2 Packaging ================ Although Play 2 supports Sbt Native Packager, it requires some additional steps to successfully package and run your application. .. tip:: there are also two sections in the play documentation that describe deploying and configuring: - `play deploying`_ - `play prod configuration`_ .. _play deploying: .. _play prod configuration: Build Configuration ------------------- Depending on whether you want to package your application as a deb-package or as an rpm-package, you have to setup your build configuration accordingly. Please, refer to :ref:`debian-plugin` and :ref:`rpm-plugin` pages for additional information. Note that **Upstart** is not supported by all available operation systems and may not always work as expected. You can always fallback to the **SystemV** service manager instead. For more information on service managers please refer to :ref:`java-server-plugin` page. Application Configuration ------------------------- In order to run your application in production you need to provide it with at least: * Location where it can store its pidfile * Production configuration One way to provide this information is to append the following content in your build definition: .. code-block:: scala javaOptions in Universal ++= Seq( // JVM memory tuning "-J-Xmx1024m", "-J-Xms512m", // Since play uses separate pidfile we have to provide it with a proper path // name of the pid file must be s"-Dpidfile.path=/var/run/${packageName.value}/", // alternative, you can remove the PID file // s"-Dpidfile.path=/dev/null", // Use separate configuration file for production environment s"-Dconfig.file=/usr/share/${packageName.value}/conf/production.conf", // Use separate logger configuration file for production environment s"-Dlogger.file=/usr/share/${packageName.value}/conf/production-logger.xml", // You may also want to include this setting if you use play evolutions "-DapplyEvolutions.default=true" ) This way you should either store your production configuration under ``${{path_to_app_name}}/conf/production.conf`` or put it under ``/usr/share/${{app_name}}/conf/production.conf`` by hand or using some configuration management system. .. warning:: Your pid file must be called **** SystemV ~~~~~~~ If you use a system using SystemV start script make sure to provide a `etc-default` in `src/templates` and set the `PIDFILE` environment variable. .. code-block :: bash # Setting JAVA_OPTS # ----------------- # you can use this instead of the application.ini as well # JAVA_OPTS="-Dpidfile.path=/var/run/${{app_name}}/ $JAVA_OPTS" # For rpm/systemv you need to set the PIDFILE env variable as well PIDFILE="/var/run/${{app_name}}/" See customize section for :ref:`java-server-plugin` for more information on *application.ini* and *etc-default* template.