Deployment ========== This page shows you how to configure your build to deploy your build universal(zip, tgz, txz), rpm, debian or msi packages. For information on docker, please take a look at the docker page. .. note:: The deployment settings only add artifacts to your publish task. Native packager doesn't provide any functionality for publishing to native repositories. Setup publish Task ------------------ You need a working ``publish`` task in order to use the following configurations. A good starting point is the `sbt publish documentation`_. You should have something like this in your ``build.sbt`` .. code-block:: scala publishTo := { val nexus = "" if (version.value.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some("snapshots" at nexus + "content/repositories/snapshots") else Some("releases" at nexus + "service/local/staging/deploy/maven2") } For an automatised build process are other plugins like the `sbt release plugin`_. .. _sbt publish documentation: .. _sbt release plugin: Default Deployment ------------------ The easiest way is to add ``UniversalDeployPlugin`` to your ``build.sbt`` .. code-block:: scala enablePlugins(JavaServerAppPackaging, UniversalDeployPlugin) You are now able to publish your packaged application in both ``tgz`` and ``zip`` formats with: ``universal:publish`` Publish the ``zip`` (or ``tgz``/``txz`` depending on the configuration. Default is to publish ``zip`` along with ``tgz``) package Custom Deployments ------------------ When using other package formats we need to explicitly configure the deployment setup to a more specific one. RPM ~~~ Your ``build.sbt`` should contain: .. code-block:: scala enablePlugins(RpmPlugin, RpmDeployPlugin) This will make possible to push the ``RPM`` with: ``sbt rpm:publish`` Debian ~~~~~~ Enabled with: .. code-block:: scala enable(DebianPlugin, DebianDeployPlugin) that will make possible to publish a ``deb`` package with: ``sbt deb:publish`` Windows ~~~~~~~ If using an ``msi`` packaging you need to enable: .. code-block:: scala enable(WindowsPlugin, WindowsDeployPlugin) Then, pushing the package is ``sbt windows:publish`` Custom Configurations --------------------- You could configure only what you need as well. Debian ~~~~~~ .. code-block:: scala makeDeploymentSettings(Debian, packageBin in Debian, "deb") //if you want a changes file as well makeDeploymentSettings(Debian, genChanges in Debian, "changes") RPM ~~~ .. code-block:: scala makeDeploymentSettings(Rpm, packageBin in Rpm, "rpm") Windows ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: scala makeDeploymentSettings(Windows, packageBin in Windows, "msi") Universal ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: scala // zip makeDeploymentSettings(Universal, packageBin in Universal, "zip") makeDeploymentSettings(UniversalDocs, packageBin in UniversalDocs, "zip") // additional tgz addPackage(Universal, packageZipTarball in Universal, "tgz") // additional txz addPackage(UniversalDocs, packageXzTarball in UniversalDocs, "txz")